Photo: James Minchin / PRESS
I have every intention on continuing with LP, and the guys feel the same. We have a lot of rebuilding to do, and questions to answer, so it’ll take time. https://t.co/nXLxTSd40J
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
I have a bunch of songs; some are more finished than others. I wanted to release these three today and see what the fans want me to do next. If you like these, I’ll keep going.#PostTraumatic https://t.co/pzARTLCCA3
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
It still exists, I just want to figure out the right presentation! I made a version of it with lots of cool sounds, but that seemed to take away from the power of the song. Maybe I restart with piano only…? https://t.co/G8pSGL5gYh
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
(チェスター・ベニントンの追悼公演で披露された新曲“Looking for an Answer”について)「あの曲もまだあるよ。最適な発表の仕方を模索しているんだ! クールなサウンドを施したヴァージョンを作ったんだけど、曲本来の力強さを損ねてしまった気がしていてね。もう一度ピアノだけで作り直してみようかな?」
My friend said the videos are “cinema verite.” Shot in a way that doesn’t obscure the fact that they’re real life. The music is that way too. The car horn was audible on the mic when I was trying to record, which was super annoying. #PostTraumatic https://t.co/ylpJGlcrts
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
(2曲目の“Over Again”に入っている車のクラクション音について)「友人から、ビデオっていうのは『シネマ・ヴェリテ』(ドキュメンタリー風の映画)だって言われてね。実世界のものを邪魔しないように撮影したんだ。音楽もそういう風に録っているんだよ。車のクラクションはレコーディング中にマイクに入ってしまったもので、すごくイライラしたけどね」
(1/2) On this project, I’m trying to work “in the moment.” I record a vocal or shoot a video while I’m feeling something. For example, I wrote and recorded verse one of “over again” on the day of the Bowl show, and did verse two the day after. #PostTraumatic
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
(2/2) And I wanted to put this out as soon as possible because I’m living it, and a lot of other people are living it, too. I want people to see and hear it as soon as I complete each thing. #PostTraumatic
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
「今回のプロジェクトでは、『その瞬間の中』で取り組みたいと思ったんだ。僕が何かしらを感じている時に、ヴォーカルを録ったりビデオを撮影したんだよ。例えば、“Over Again”のとあるヴァースは追悼公演をやった日に書いていて、その他のヴァースはその2日後に書き上げたんだ」
There are lots of artists I’m friends with, and artists I don’t know who I admire. If I invite anyone to be a part of this process, it’ll have to be based on a mutual understanding of the concept—they have to have lived it to speak / sing / rap / paint on it.#PostTraumatic https://t.co/dOGnIi4w81
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
Grief is so personal, and I thought that a D.I.Y., autobiographical format made the most sense. So I shot & edited everything in the videos myself. I‘m planning to continue doing it this way until it doesn’t feel right anymore, or until the work becomes too much.#PostTraumatic https://t.co/n3CQRbpHqw
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
広告 ザ・ビートルズのドキュメンタリー『ビートルズ ’64』がディズニープラスで独占配信!
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