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The Umbrella Academy Volume 3: Hotel Oblivion— In Stores and Digital Available Now! This one was a long time in the making. Announced way back in 2009, a lot of things happened in between the announcement and the actual release of this, for @gabriel_ba and myself. Lots of life stuff, other projects, emotional growth and experience gained. Over the years, there were some false starts and every time I came back to the project I had to make it new for myself, fine-tuning the themes and characters. I am very happy with the results and hope you enjoy it if you plan on checking it out. Coincidentally, I just started Volume 4, so hopefully it won’t be too long before a new issue hits the stands, seeing as how this volume ends on a major cliffhanger. Art by @gabriel_ba, Colors by @nick_filardi, lettering by @natepiekos, and written by me. Presented here are the standard edition and the Barnes & Noble exclusive. At your friendly local comic shop, bookstores, Amazon, and digitally at @comixology. Links in bio. #umbrellaacademy #theumbrellaacademy #darkhorsecomics #hoteloblivion #barnesandnobleexclusive
Gerard Wayさん(@gerardway)がシェアした投稿 –
広告 ザ・ビートルズの新作ドキュメンタリー『ビートルズ ’64』がディズニープラスで11月29日(金)より独占配信!
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