Photo: Andrew Lipovsky
プリティー・レックレスのテイラー・モムセンは亡くなったプロデューサーのカトー・カンドワラに捧げるウディ・ガスリーの“This Land is Your Land”のカヴァーを公開している。
今回、テイラー・モムセンは7月4日の独立記念日に際してカトー・カンドワラが撮影した写真を使ったウディ・ガスリーの“This Land is Your Land”のミュージック・ビデオを公開している。演奏はジョナサン・ワイマンが担当している。
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10 years ago, while trying to put my band together, through a series of lucky events, I found myself sitting in my apartment on 23rd street in NYC across from two men, who, little did I know, would change the entire direction of my life. Unlike all the other musicians and producers I had met, here were two longtime best friends, with so much passion, they just breathed an infectious and uncompromising love of music. Their name’s were Kato and Ben. I found myself drawn to their relationship and it’s musical roots, I wanted to join their world. A few months later we would start making music together, and two best friends would become three. We were inseparable for the next 9 years, and formed a relationship we all knew would last a lifetime. It was everything. Then on Wednesday night, in a sudden moment, Kato was gone. He was our ring leader, our confidant, my best friend, my family, my soul mate. Nothing will be the same without him. All the character and music he brought to this world will have a lasting impact, and he will never be forgotten. I love you Kato, I will miss you every minute of every day, I don’t know what to do without you. Thank you all for the outpouring of love as we learn to deal with this tragedy. -Taylor
Taylor Momsenさん(@taylormomsen)がシェアした投稿 –
広告 エルトン・ジョンのドキュメンタリー『Never Too Late』がディズニープラスで独占配信!
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