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コロネル・エイブラムスは1949年にデトロイト州ミシガンで生まれ、その後一家はニューヨークに移っている。ギターとピアノをすぐに覚え、1960年代〜1970年代は数々のバンドに在籍したという。その中でも最も知られているのが兄弟のモリスと結成したコンサヴァティヴ・メイナーと94イーストで、94イーストでは一時期プリンスがリード・ギタリストを務めていた。プリンスと共に1977年に94イーストは“Just Another Sucker”をレコーディングしており、その後プリンスはソロでのキャリアを追求するため脱退している。バンドも続いて解散している。

1980年代にはコロネル・エイブラムスのキャリアはハウス・ミュージックの進化に寄与したことで知られ、“Music Is The Answer”のヒットでMCAとの契約を果たしている。

その後、コロネル・エイブラムスは前述の“Trapped”でUKシングル・チャートの3位を記録したほか、“I’m Not Going to Let You”といった楽曲で知られている。




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Another unsung legend has gone on to another life. Deaths like these are sad to me because there will be those that get their instant just due and instant recognition. Then there are gonna be a select few that had respect and impact only on a choice few. Like you might not know #ColonelAbrams but someone really deep into music like @GillesPeterson or @_benjiB surely would know (if those names are foreign to you and you desire to be the person to "one up" your crew about some cool stuff NOONE else knows? Listen to their radio shows now online. It's an education. Even cats popping now like @official_daftpunk or @calvinharris or @disclosure are up on the knowledge as far as who is who and what is what with the cats that were putting it down for real decades ago. Fans of @brunomars' throwback 80's stuff w @iammarkronson should definitely pay it forward and do the knowledge on Abrams work. His biggest impact was in those last years right before #NewJackSwing lightly tsunami'd the ish outta rnb in 85/86 this was when soul didn't quite need breakbeats in its music yet. And somehow his music didn't have to get filtered thru #JamAndLewis' renewing of @Prince's #Minneapolisound. Those club edits of #Trapped #ImNotGonnaLet & #HowSoonWeForget were more at home with the globalization of Chicago's #HouseMusic & Detroit's #ElectroFunk. His ad libs and delivery picked up the remnants of #TeddyPendergrass' preacher's growl. I hope at least 11% of you don't dismiss me as the default soulbituary cat. But it's not like the "winners" in the music game care too much past the winning aspect of music—I know that's some snob ish to say–especially when the average music cat really isn't that knowledgeable about its HISTORY (most of those people become actual journalists and writers not musicians) but the way the news cycle works now it's like "if it don't matter to "middle america" then it never mattered. Which basically means there is gonna be a slew of incredible talent dying in silence if we don't pass it on. All respect due to the under praised Colonel Abrams

Questlove Gomezさん(@questlove)が投稿した写真 –

広告 ザ・ビートルズの新作ドキュメンタリー『ビートルズ ’64』がディズニープラスで11月29日(金)より独占配信!

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