Photo: GETTY
“Rock ‘n’ Roll Star”のプレイバックから始まり、ポール・“ボーンヘッド”・アーサーズは次のようにツイートしている。「自分のギター・サウンドについて考える時、いつも考えるのはこの曲なんだ」
Track 1 Rock n Roll star
What an album opener? Doesn’t need an introduction , still gets crowds bouncing now, 26 years later on stage with Liam. When I think of my guitar sound it’s always this track I look to— Paul Arthurs. (@BoneheadsPage) March 27, 2020
“Live Forever”についてポール・“ボーンヘッド”・アーサーズはノエル・ギャラガーのギター・ソロについて「28テイク」かかったと冗談を飛ばして、「そうじゃないと言わせないよ」とツイートしている。
Top solo. Took him 28 takes don’t let him tell you otherwise.
— Paul Arthurs. (@BoneheadsPage) March 27, 2020
コカ・コーラについても何度か言及して、ポール・“ボーンヘッド”・アーサーズは「“Shakermaker”のメロディーはコカ・コーラのCMから取られた」ことを明かしており、「当初、『I’d like to buy the world a coke to keep it company』という歌詞があったものの、コカ・コーラに言われて、削らなければならなかった」とも述べている。
Shaker maker, 12 bar blues innit. Melody stolen from the Coca Cola advert. I’ve still got the clock from the back cover of the single designed by @MicrodotCreativ
— Paul Arthurs. (@BoneheadsPage) March 27, 2020
This was our 2nd single off the album, charted at number 11. originally had the words I’d like to buy the world a coke to keep it company, but we had to take them off or else, said Coca Cola. Whatever
— Paul Arthurs. (@BoneheadsPage) March 27, 2020
他にもポール・“ボーンヘッド”・アーサーズは“Slide Away”についてモノウ・ヴァリー・スタジオでレコーディングしたオリジナルのセッションから唯一残った曲であることを明かし、「リアムのこれまでで最高のヴォーカル」だという自身の見解を述べている。
Slide away. Only song that survived the original sessions from Monnow Valley studios and the best ever vocal take from Liam in my opinion. When he sings “oh let me be the one” I’d let him be the one.
— Paul Arthurs. (@BoneheadsPage) March 27, 2020
最後の楽曲“Married With Children”についてはマーク・コイルズの家のベッドルームでレコーディングされたとしており、次のように述べている。「このギター・サウンドが大好きなんだ。マーク・コイルズの線を繋いでいないエレクトリック・ギターで、ベッドルームにマイクを立てたんだ。リアムのヴォーカルが素晴らしいもう一つの曲だね」
Married with children. This was recorded in the bedroom at Mark Coyles house (rented off Mani) and kept as it was for the album. I love the guitar sound on this, it was an unplugged electric of Coyleys, miked up in the bedroom. Another great vocal from Liam too
— Paul Arthurs. (@BoneheadsPage) March 27, 2020
And we're off! Before we had settled on the idea of shooting the sleeve in Bonehead’s house, Liam’s ‘concept’ for the artwork was a knife in a lump of butter – true story! #timstwitterlisteningparty pic.twitter.com/o6Udj44kvl
— Microdot (@MicrodotCreativ) March 27, 2020
ブライアン・キャノンは“Live Forever”のトラック記録の写真も公開し、『ディフィニトリー・メイビー』のジャケットはザ・ビートルズの『オールディーズ・バット・ゴールディーズ』のバック・カヴァーに影響を受けたことを明かしている。また、オアシスの有名なロゴはザ・ローリング・ストーンズのアルバムで見られるデッカ・レコードのロゴに影響を受けていたが、最初はアディダスのロゴのフォントを使っていたことも明らかになっている。
The front cover of Def Maybe was inspired by the back of the Beatles album 'Oldies But Goldies' I just loved the fly on the wall feel to the shot. pic.twitter.com/hfCRpVGuOZ
— Microdot (@MicrodotCreativ) March 27, 2020
Original running sheet for 'Live Forever' mapping out all the tracks on the recording. As featured in the coffee table book I designed for the remastered box set. pic.twitter.com/NPF17nvIcb
— Microdot (@MicrodotCreativ) March 27, 2020
The first thing I did for the band was the logo – inspired by the Decca Records logo seen on a Rolling Stones album – here's the prototype in which I used an approximation of the Adidas font – before changing it. pic.twitter.com/xxqgN5pqB5
— Microdot (@MicrodotCreativ) March 27, 2020
First ever Oasis artwork mock up – obviously never going to be the sleeve – just wanted to see how the logo worked. The first and only outing for the prototype logo. That's the original Supersonic mock up. pic.twitter.com/iWmMdZNpZk
— Microdot (@MicrodotCreativ) March 27, 2020
Noel would hand write out the lyrics to every song so I could develop the concepts for the sleeve artwork – even album tracks. pic.twitter.com/c0odmsleT9
— Microdot (@MicrodotCreativ) March 27, 2020
Sleeve test shot in @BoneheadsPage house – me and Bonehead's wife Kate in the shot. This was a week before the final shoot. pic.twitter.com/H0eZ0amZU3
— Microdot (@MicrodotCreativ) March 27, 2020
This was the first Oasis photo I shot for the @NME – we flew to Amsterdam – the band travelled overnight on the ferry. When I got there only Noel was there – the rest of them had been deported for fighting with Chelsea fans #timstwitterlisteningparty @BoneheadsPage pic.twitter.com/gjEf6568EA
— Kevin Cummins (@KCMANC) March 27, 2020
When we got back to Pompey hotel, the pool was next to the bar. Liam chucked all thefurniture in the pool. 'You daft bastard, where are we going to sit. Get it out.' he had to fish it all out so as we could sit down and have a drink -crowd shot at gig #timstwitterlisteningparty pic.twitter.com/2WCLGNn9gS
— Kevin Cummins (@KCMANC) March 27, 2020
The following month we did a range of photos around London for Creation just to get them used to being photographed. Liam was exhausting … he kept jumping on the back of buses and I was having to chase after him #timstwitterlisteningparty @BoneheadsPage pic.twitter.com/9qFJOL6Su6
— Kevin Cummins (@KCMANC) March 27, 2020
a lot of pointing went on then there was a erm sibling scuffle – then everything went back to normal #timstwitterlisteningparty @BoneheadsPage pic.twitter.com/dQ7SVouItU
— Kevin Cummins (@KCMANC) March 27, 2020
The morning after the TJ's gig, I was waiting in the hotel lobby, finally Liam turned up & said 'hello'. I looked up, saw the sign above his head & told him not to move and grabbed my camera and took this pic, which was the cover shot for our NME piece #timstwitterlisteningparty pic.twitter.com/ZpvocoMEvu
— Kevin Cummins (@KCMANC) March 27, 2020
Then for this band shot I took them to a passageway near the Phoenix Theatre off Charing Cross Road – it was on Flitcroft Street. We only did the pics there because we had a player called Gary Flitcroft #ManCity and thought it'd be a good reference point in future years pic.twitter.com/1TT3m1zDJL
— Kevin Cummins (@KCMANC) March 27, 2020
広告 ザ・ビートルズの新作ドキュメンタリー『ビートルズ ’64』がディズニープラスで11月29日(金)より独占配信!
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