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1977年から1982年のデヴィッド・ボウイのアルバムを集めた新たなボックスセット『ア・ニュー・キャリア・イン・ア・ニュー・タウン [1977-1982]』の内容紹介映像が公開されている。

これまでデヴィッド・ボウイ自身が計画したボックスセットとして『ファイヴ・イヤーズ[1969-1973]』と『フー・キャン・アイ・ビー・ナウ [1974-1976]』がリリースされてきたが、本作はそれに続く第3弾となる。



ボックスセットから“Beauty And The Beast”のエクステンデッド・ヴァージョンも公開されている。


『ア・ニュー・キャリア・イン・ア・ニュー・タウン [1977-1982]』

CD Box Set:
128 Page hardback book 
Low (remastered) (1CD)
“Heroes” (remastered) (1CD)
“Heroes” E.P. (remastered) (CD EP)*
Stage (remastered) (2CD)*
Stage (2017) (remastered) (2CD)
Lodger (remastered) (1CD)
Lodger (Tony Visconti 2017 Mix) (1CD)*
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (remastered) (1CD)
Re:Call 3 (non-album singles, single versions and b-sides) (remastered) (1CD)*
* Exclusive to ‘A New Career In A New Town (1977-1982)’


Released on RCA PL 12030 (U.K.) / CPL1-2030 (U.S.) on 14thJanuary, 1977.
Side 1
1. Speed Of Life                                        
2. Breaking Glass                                       
3. What In The World                                              
4. Sound And Vision                                      
5. Always Crashing In The Same Car                               
6. Be My Wife                                   
7. A New Career In A New Town  
Side 2
1. Warszawa                                              
2. Art Decade                                                                          
3. Weeping Wall                                         
4. Subterraneans

Released on RCA PL 12522 (U.K.) / AFL1-2522 (U.S.) on 14th October, 1977.
Side 1
1. Beauty And The Beast 
2. Joe The Lion 
3. “Heroes” 
4. Sons Of The Silent Age 
5. Blackout 

Side 2
1. V-2 Schneider 
2. Sense Of Doubt 
3. Moss Garden 
4. Neuköln
5. The Secret Life Of Arabia

Side 1
1. “Heroes”/”Helden” (German album version) 
2. “Helden” (German single version) 

Side 2
1. “Heroes”/”Héros” (French album version) 
2. “Héros” (French single version)

STAGE (Original)
Released on RCA PL 02913 (U.K.) / CPL2-2913 (U.S.) on 8thSeptember, 1978.
Side 1
1. Hang On To Yourself
2. Ziggy Stardust
3. Five Years
4. Soul Love
5. Star

Side 2
1. Station To Station
2. Fame
3. TVC 15

Side 3
1. Warszawa
2. Speed Of Life
3. Art Decade
4. Sense Of Doubt
5. Breaking Glass

Side 4
1. “Heroes”
2. What In The World
3. Blackout
4. Beauty And The Beast

STAGE (2017)
Side 1
1. Warszawa
2. “Heroes”
3. What In The World

Side 2
1. Be My Wife
2. The Jean Genie *
3. Blackout
4. Sense Of Doubt

Side 3
1. Speed Of Life
2. Breaking Glass
3. Beauty And The Beast
4. Fame

Side 4
1. Five Years
2. Soul Love
3. Star
4. Hang On To Yourself
5. Ziggy Stardust
6. Suffragette City *

Side 5
1. Art Decade
2. Alabama Song
3. Station To Station

Side 6
1. Stay
2. TVC 15
* Previously unreleased

Released on RCA PL 13254 (U.K.) / APL1-3254 (U.S.) on 18th May, 1979.
LODGER (2017 Tony Visconti mix)
Side 1
1. Fantastic Voyage 
2. African Night Flight 
3. Move On 
4. Yassassin (Turkish for: Long Live) 
5. Red Sails 

Side 2
1. D.J.  
2. Look Back In Anger 
3. Boys Keep Swinging 
4. Repetition  
5. Red Money

Released on RCA BOWLP 2 (PL 13647) (U.K.) / AQL1-3647 (U.S.) on 12th September, 1980.
Side 1
1. It’s No Game (Part 1)                                                
2. Up The Hill Backwards                                                
3. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)                            
4. Ashes To Ashes                                                       
5. Fashion                                                              

Side 2
1. Teenage Wildlife                                                     
2. Scream Like A Baby                                           
3. Kingdom Come                                                 
4. Because You’re Young 
5. It’s No Game (Part 2)

Side 1
1. “Heroes” (single version) 
2. Beauty And The Beast (extended version) 
3. Breaking Glass (Australian single version) 
4. Yassassin (single version) 
5. D.J. (single version) 

Side 2
1. Alabama Song 
2. Space Oddity (1979 version) 
3. Ashes To Ashes (single version) 
4. Fashion (single version) 
5. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (single version)

Side 3
1. Crystal Japan 
2. Under Pressure (single version) – Queen and David Bowie
3. Cat People (Putting Out Fire) (soundtrack album version) 
4. Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy * – David Bowie and Bing Crosby
* mono

Side 4
Bertolt Brecht’s Baal
1. Baal’s Hymn 
2. Remembering Marie A. 
3. Ballad Of The Adventurers 
4. The Drowned Girl 
5. The Dirty Song

The running order for Re:Call 3 CD differs from the vinyl version
1. “Heroes” (single version) 
2. Beauty And The Beast (extended version) 
3. Breaking Glass (Australian single version) 
4. Yassassin (single version) 
5. D.J. (single version) 
6. Alabama Song 
7. Space Oddity (1979 version) 
8. Ashes To Ashes (single version) 
9. Fashion (single version) 
10.Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (single version)
11.Crystal Japan 
12.Under Pressure (single version) – Queen and David Bowie

Bertolt Brecht’s Baal
13.Baal’s Hymn 
14.Remembering Marie A. 
15.Ballad Of The Adventurers 
16.The Drowned Girl 
17.The Dirty Song 

18.Cat People (Putting Out Fire) (soundtrack album version) 
19.Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy * – David Bowie and Bing Crosby
* mono

広告 エルトン・ジョンのドキュメンタリー『Never Too Late』がディズニープラスで独占配信!

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