Photo: PRESS
ゴリラズはベンジャミン・クレメンタインが参加した反ドナルド・トランプ曲“Hallelujah Money”のミュージック・ビデオを公開し、ついに新音源が公開されている。
「暗い時代だ。敬意を持つことのできる人物が必要なんだ。僕だよ。これは暗い夜における真実の稲妻なんだ。さあ、やってしまえ! ニュー・アルバムはまだまだこれからだよ」とゴリラズはツイートしている。
Dark times – u need someone to look up to. Me. Here's a lightning bolt of truth in a black night. Now piss on! New stuff won't write itself. https://t.co/tOqYnXqrU2
— gorillaz (@gorillaz) January 19, 2017
“Hallelujah Money”の原詩は以下の通り。
Here is our tree
That primitively grows
When we go to bed
Scare crows from the Far a-East
Come to eat its tender fruits
I have thought that the
Best way to protect our tree
Is by building walls
Walls like unicorns in full glory and galore
Even stronger than the walls of Jericho
Be glad then my friend
That in a few
We shall reap abundantly
What we’d always dreamt of havin
Enough of the starvin
It is love
That is the root of all evil
Not our tree
And thank you my friend
For trusting me
Hallelujah Money
Hallelujah Money
How will we know
When the morning comes
We are still humanz.
How will we know?
How will we dream?
How will we love?
How will we know?
Don’t worry my friend
If this be the end
Then so shall it be
Until we say so
Nothing will move
Ah, don’t worry
It is not against our morals
It’s legally tender
Touch my friend
What the whole world, and whole beasts of nations desire: power
Hallelujah Money
Cross the chemtrail sun
Hallelujah Money
広告 ザ・ビートルズの新作ドキュメンタリー『ビートルズ ’64』がディズニープラスで11月29日(金)より独占配信!
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