2010年に発売されたシングル“Airplanes (feat. Haylay Williams Of Paramore)”でよく知られるB.o.B.は目下、地球は球体ではないという彼の主張を否定する2200万人のフォロワーを相手に激しい議論を展開している。
The cities in the background are approx. 16miles apart… where is the curve ? please explain this pic.twitter.com/YCJVBdOWX7
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
この街の端は、約16マイル(約26キロメートル)向こうだ……曲線はどこにあるんだ? 説明してくれよ。
y'all be like… "you're not high enough to see the curve…keep going" pic.twitter.com/dzgYpIIao3
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
No matter how high in elevation you are… the horizon is always eye level … sorry cadets… I didn't wanna believe it either.
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
if my tweets are rattling the tiny little cages of your reality … the unfollow button is right there
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 23, 2016
don't try to back me into the "conspiracy theorist" corner… don't be fooled. I speak from personal experience.
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 22, 2016
no matter how much over-whelming evidence is presented to humans… they won't believe it until it comes on the cooperate driven news
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 22, 2016
Gleason's Projection pic.twitter.com/7AB50swI2Y
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
A lot of people are turned off by the phrase "flat earth" … but there's no way u can see all the evidence and not know… grow up
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
have u been to the edge ? or is that what your science book told you https://t.co/61qaI5xx5f
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
君はその果てに行ったことがあるの? それとも科学の本にそう書いてあったのか?
I was on a plane the SAME time the Red Bull jump happened. The pilot told us to lookout the window.. 5 miles to the left was the balloon
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
We were flying at the SAME altitude as the guy who did the red bull jump… NO curve… even tho their footage shows otherwise
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
You can regurgitate force fed information all day… still doesn't change physics.
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
how do you explain the horizon always being at eye level ? https://t.co/Kzuc4r77CK
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
Well, at least ppl are better at insulting me than they are at thinking . #idiocracy
— B.o.B (@bobatl) January 25, 2016
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